Death, my love.

Flower petals fall
Like a gentle shower of snow
Creating patterns in the air,
They fall.

Seasons change,
From the lovers it now goes to leaves
I do not change,
But I watch.

Quietly, the leaves fall
Hardly daring to make a sound,
Despite being crushed underfoot.
I watch.

The rains come now,
Washing away the aches
Of unrequited love.
Along with love,
The leaves too disappear.

I do not change,
I watch.
I watch lovers find happiness
And hide in the rains
With a bouquet of flowers.

The rains crush the flowers
Crushing petals raised with such care,
Those petals I tended to,
Raised with smiles and laughs,
Raised with echoes of snow,
Tinged with melancholy,
But somehow warm.

I watch.
I say nothing,
I do nothing.
I simply watch.

Through the rains,
Comes a ray of light,
Like a beautiful blade.
Perhaps my salvation,
Perhaps not.

The world goes on,
They do not see,
They do not love,
And I watch.

I watch.
Blade in hand now,
Flowers replaced,
I watch the light shine
In all its resplendent glory.

Somehow, the world turns red,
Like rubies or perhaps
Like a blushing maiden.
It flows from me,
Thick and sluggish.

The world seems redder,
More vibrant,
And I watch.
I watch as blood flows,
I watch as the blade falls.
I watch as the world
Reaches its most beautiful,
With red snow falling.

I do not watch now,
But I know,
I know the petals are scattered,
But they will remain pure,
Stained by my red,
Never will they be crushed underfoot.
Death, my love

Death, my love
